


日 時:令和3年10月18日(月)19:00~

場 所:産業医科大学2号館 2208教室



Highest impact factor article


1Takahashi H, et al.

Multiple nodules in the kidney and spleen presenting as the initial manifestation of Crohn disease.

Inflamm Bowel Dis 2021; 27: e91-e92.



Candidates of most impressive article of professor


1.Shigeta H, et al.

Successful daptomycin therapy for a premature neonate with left-sided infective endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Pediatr Neonatol 2021; 62: 456-457.


2.Takeda Y, et al.

A pediatric case of Kawasaki disease occurring during the treatment of pneumococcal meningitis.

Pediatr Neonatol 2021; 62: 565-566.


3.Saimiya M, et al.

Efficacy of oral tolvaptan for severe edema and hyponatremia in a patient with refractory nephrotic syndrome.

CEN Case Rep 2021, in press.


4.Kanda R, et al.

Valganciclovir therapy for a neonate with congenital cytomegalovirus pneumonitis.

Pediatr Int 2021, in press.


5.押田 康一ら.


臨床血液 2021; 62: 186-189.


