日 時:令和5年9月28日(木)18:00~
場 所:産業医科大学2号館 2208教室
Highest impact factor article
1.Ogawa M, et al.
Evaluation of the usefulness of culture of induced sputum and the optimal timing for the collection of a good-quality sputum sample to identify causative pathogen of community-acquired pneumonia in young children: A prospective observational study.
J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2023, in press.
Candidates of most impressive article of associated professor
1.Ogawa M, et al.
Usefulness of cervical computed tomography Hounsfield Units to differentiate Kawasaki Disease from a deep-neck abscess.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2023; 42: e50-e51.
2.Abushawish A, et al.
Environmental factors related to differences in the microbiota in the upper respiratory tract in young children: Focusing on the impact of early nursery attendance.
Front Pediatr 2023; 11: 1015872.
3.Taku K, et al.
Genetic similarities between Escherichia coli in colonization and bloodstream infection in pediatric cancer patients with febrile neutropenia.
Pediatr Int 2023; 65: e15542.
4.Mizuki K, et al.
Workplace factors associated with willingness to undergo HIV testing during workplace health checkups.
Environ Health Prev Med 2023, in press.
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