日 時:令和4年10月17日(月)19:00~
場 所:産業医科大学2号館 2208教室
Highest impact factor article
1.Manabe T, et al.
A pediatric case of congenital neutropenia with SRP54 gene mutation in which monocytosis and gingival swelling were useful in differentiating from autoimmune neutropenia.
Pediatr Blood Cancer 2022; 69: e29648.
Candidates of most impressive article of professor
1.Kawase M, et al.
Case report: Japanese siblings of cystic fibrosis with a novel large heterozygous deletion in the CFTR gene.
Front Pediatr 2022; 9: 800095.
2.Kawahara F, et al.
Hemophilic pseudotumor of the maxillary sinus in an inhibitor-positive patient with hemophilia A receiving emicizumab: a case report.
Int J Hematol 2022; 115: 906-912.
3.Ogata M, et al.
Early diagnosis of neonatal-onset cyclic vomiting syndrome,
Nagoya J Med Sci 2022, in press.
4.斉宮 真理ら.
特殊ミルク情報 2022; 57: 10-13.
5.宮本 智成ら.
極低出生体重児の大動脈縮窄症に対して経皮的大動脈バルーン拡張術後に外科治療を行った 1 例.
J Pediatr Cardiol Card Surg 2022; 38: 54-60.