日 時:令和2年9月24日(木)18:00~
場 所:産業医科大学2号館 2208教室
Highest impact factor article
1.Suga S, et al.
A survey on the implementation status of selected infection control strategies in neonatal intensive care units in Japan.
J Hosp Infect 2020; 104: 200-206.
Candidates of most impressive article of professor
1. Goto M et al.
The effect of environmental factors in childcare facilities and individual lifestyle on obesity among Japanese preschool children; a multivariate multilevel analysis.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2019; 98: e17490.
2.Shirayama R, et al.
Perioperative safty and haematostatic efficacy of a new bypassing agent pd-FVIIa/FX (Byclot) in haemophilia patients with high-responding type inhibitors.
Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2019; 30 :385-392.
3.Shimizu D, et al.
The evaluation of the appropriate gentamicin use for preterm infants.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2019; 38: 2365-2369.
- Kawase M, et al.
The changes of the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of rotavirus gastroenteritis-associated convulsion after the introduction of rotavirus vaccine.
J Infect Chemother 2020; 26: 206-210.
- 山本幸代ら.
日本小児科学会雑誌.2020; 124: 1022-1027.
- 守田弘美ら.
日小児血がん会誌 2020, in press.
- 白山理恵ら.
日小血会誌 2019; 56: 275-281.
日児誌. 2020: 124: 1127-1133.
日小児救急医会誌 2020; 19: 33-38.